
As Marcas dos times de futebol no Exterior – É preciso golear na proteção desse importante ativo

As Marcas dos times de futebol no Exterior – É preciso golear na proteção desse importante ativo

Tão importante quanto assegurar a devida proteção aos direitos de propriedade intelectual no Brasil é ter a certeza de que estes mesmos direitos também encontrem resguardo no exterior.

Um ano da decisão do STF sobre o prazo de patentes

Um ano da decisão do STF sobre o prazo de patentes

Mudança proposta pelo tribunal não foi acompanhada de maior agilidade pelo INPI, o que vem prejudicando as empresas.

Musical group brand names - The position taken by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice regarding ownership disputes

Musical group brand names - The position taken by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice regarding ownership disputes

Using brand names of a previous band without authorization consists on a trademark violation and represents parasitic exploitation and unfair competition practice, giving room to compensation to the trademark owner. However, such kind of use happens frequently among musicians who experienced a certain fame in the past as members of famous bands and now try to take some advantages on that in a solo career or with a new group.

The Madrid Protocol implementation in Brazil and its procedural changes in each office

The Madrid Protocol implementation in Brazil and its procedural changes in each office

In the last two years, the trademark practice in Brazil has had a considerable change of scenario with the implementation of the Madrid Protocol, back in 2019.

Insulating Indigenous Innovation

Insulating Indigenous Innovation

Indigenous communities are custodians of creativity and innovation, but brands wishing to benefit from their knowledge must first cultivate their trust, finds Muireann Bolger.

Sentença em ação civil pública movida pela ABPI assegura recursos ao INPI

Sentença em ação civil pública movida pela ABPI assegura recursos ao INPI

No dia 12 de abril, foi proferida sentença pela juíza federal Carolina Tauk , em ação promovida pela Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) durante a presidência de Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta, sócio do aliado Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello, determinando que a União assegure recursos para que o INPI exerça e aprimore suas atividades de exame e concessão de direitos de patentes e marcas, bem como a inclusão no patrimônio da Autarquia à receita resultante da execução dos seus serviços e que seja divulgado também a sua natureza de preço público.

Young people and innovation is the theme of the World Intellectual Property Day

Young people and innovation is the theme of the World Intellectual Property Day

Today, April 26, the World Intellectual Property Day, also called "World IP Day" or "WIP-Day", is celebrated. The date was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and, for about two decades, a theme has been chosen in the year. For 2022, the focus will be on “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future”. The campaign aims to enable young people to discover how intellectual property rights can help them achieve their goals, generate income, turn ideas into reality, create jobs and positively impact the world around them.

Brazilian Central Government is sentenced to secure resources for the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office

Brazilian Central Government is sentenced to secure resources for the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office

The 31st Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro, after weighing all the interests at stake, upheld ABPI - Brazilian Intellectual Property Association requests in a public civil action lawsuit, which aims to secure resources for the BPTO to properly comply with its activities of examination and granting of patent and trademark rights.

International Women’s Day: ‘Break the bias’ - Wipr – World IP Preview

International Women’s Day: ‘Break the bias’

“We must also learn how to be inclusive with our peers.”

Life after Madrid: lawyers reflect on protocol's workflow impact

Life after Madrid: lawyers reflect on protocol's workflow impact

Counsel in Brazil, Canada and Jamaica weigh what changes in foreign and local trademark filing strategies have meant, or will mean, for their practices.
