
Women in IP leadership: An interview: inspirations, experiences, and ideas for equality

Joana is a partner and part of the Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello trademarks team. With over 20 years of experience as an attorney in Intellectual Property, her practice involves all procedures for registration of trademarks with the INPI, including opposition and other administrative petitions, as well as strategic analysis for complex trademark issues, with the aim of avoiding litigation, where possible.


Não é de hoje que se reconhece que o futebol profissional representa uma indústria bilionária, movimentando a economia de diversos países.

Brazilian IP Legal Systems: Virtual Courts/Virtual Trademark and Patent Office and the Pursuit of Greater Effectiveness

The COVID-19 pandemic has definitely changed the way we live. While the majority of law firms in Brazil are still working almost 100% remotely, at home, the Brazilian Courts and the Brazilian Trademark and Patent Office have also adapted themselves to this new reality, changing the centenary presential routine for home office.

Trademark co-ownership finally possible in Brazil

It has been almost a year since Brazil joined the Madrid Protocol and still some key procedures for the national trademark registration process remain pending, including the multiclass system, division of applications/registrations and, until recently, the co-ownership regime.

A football dispute off the field – the Brazilian spray patent battle

Brazil is recognized worldwide for the quality of its football players and for the team, which is five times world champion. But a dispute related to the sport has been highlighted in recent years.

New Franchising Law promotes legal certainty, transparency, and simplification in Brazil

Brazil has updated the legislation (Law n°13.966) that regulates the franchising system, in force since March 26, 2020, inserting new rules and confirming certain guidelines and conditions already practiced in the market..

Patent law litigation in Brazil at the supreme court: an attempt to invalidate sole paragraph of section 40 of the Brazillian patent law

The Supreme Court o Brazil is about to schedule the judgement session of the lawsuit ( ADIN ) 5529 filed by the Federal District Attorney’s Office seeking the invalidation of the sole paragraph of section 40 of the Brazilian Patent Law, which provides for a minimum term of 10 years of validity of patents after their grant by the Brazilian Patent Office.

Propriedade Intelectual em Tempos de Coronavírus

O Dia Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual é comemorado todos os anos no dia 26 de abril. Este ano, a importância de tal data ganha um novo significado em meio à pandemia da COVID-19.

Proteção por patentes de invenções implementadas por computador

No mundo atual, a conectividade entre homem e máquina torna-se imperiosa para o exercício da maior parte das atividades humanas.

Na propriedade intelectual o Brasil não parou

Uma grande reformulação está em curso no INPI (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual) com vistas a melhorar ainda mais o sistema brasileiro de propriedade intelectual.
